Overheard at the family pool: “Dad, did you forget about the holding-your-breath-underwater-contest?”
Overheard at the main pool: “Awesome on the upgrade! When you’re away from your kids and husband, the last thing you wanna do is share a bed! No offense, Linds.”
Seen reading: “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi
We actually visited this property back in 2012. You can read our review here, where we waxed poetic about a childhood visit to Baja and “that sleepy, on-vacation-contentedness, sand between toes, smell of the ocean mixed with dusty desert chaparral” vibe as well as the warm smell of colitis, rising up through the air.
It’s still there in spades at the Sheraton Hacienda Del Mar and the property has seen hordes of visitors since, including Hurricane Odile in 2014. We’re happy to report it’s no worse for the wear and the pools are as heat-quenching as ever.
This time we especially enjoyed the mosaics:
As well as the stunning views and amazing sunsets.
We can’t wait to go back! More about hotel pools in Cabo.
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